Workshop 1: Recovery Vision & Strategy

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  • 10th

    Nov, 2018
    12:59 PM
    Workshop 1: Recovery Vision & Strategy

    Posted by : Jacqueline Tay / Posted in : RWS Event 8 / RTR Event 3

    Q3: What are the foreseen challenges that you might encounter while working towards each achievable steps to your present vision of recovery, and what are your achievable resolutions to them. Do you have a timeline to attain each achievable step?

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Workshop 1: Recovery Vision & Strategy

  • Healing Maiden 14 Nov, 2018

      Others might not have answers for me. Different people deal with problems differently. I have to tap on wider resources


  • Deborah Seah 14 Nov, 2018

      (contd) My achievable resolutions are to try to cut down on other less important activities to sleep earlier and get more rest in between appointments, discuss with my reporting manager if the office workload is too heavy and seek her help to reprioritise my task list and determine if I really have the energy to take up peer support requests as self-care must not be compromised.


  • Deborah Seah 14 Nov, 2018

      My foreseen challenges are the low energy period during my monthly menstruation, the peak period at work when I need to cover my colleague’s job duties (if they go on leave) and the last minute request to support my peers who are unwell (to be contd)


  • Charlie Brown 14 Nov, 2018

      One forseeable challenge is the fact that I am getting older and may have to stop working one day, another challenge would be taking care of my elderly mom. There are caregivers courses that I can sign up to equip myself with the knowledge to be a caregiver.


  • Gayathri 14 Nov, 2018

      Some general challenges I foresee are my mood swings, lack of motivation and time constraint. I hope to overcome these by using coping methods like talking to a friend, doing art, trying my best to follow my schedule and resting a lot. The time frame I've given myself is 6 months.


  • Jacqueline 14 Nov, 2018

      I tend to overload myself so I need to be self aware and manage my workload and stress level.


  • Shannon 14 Nov, 2018

      Challenges are handling difficult people who triggers us. I will look to my strong network of support whenever I face a difficult situation. Timeline will be a daily.


  • Anonymous 14 Nov, 2018

      Regarding building closer relationships, I don't function well in social situations as my brain can't really be in the present moment. I cannot focus and I forget alot of things. I tend to zone out alot. This is probably due to my anxiety/derealisation problem. I have not thought up any solutions to overcome this.


  • Bernard Prasobhan 13 Nov, 2018

      Getting a part time job, going for physiotherapy, seeing psychology and dietician then seeing a counsellor and apply for financial assistance


  • Xiao Mei 12 Nov, 2018

      Mood swings , rainy days, and Laziness. When anxiety breath in and out eat plenty of veggies and fruits drink eight glasses of water sweat it out by exercising it improves my well being


  • Faith Hsieh 12 Nov, 2018

      Self talk, stay Positive enjoy the things to do by feeling happy n grateful. Personal Review weekly also learning along the way to be mindful to keep track of whether I improve or not.


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