Workshop 1: Recovery Vision & Strategy

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  • 10th

    Nov, 2018
    12:57 PM
    Workshop 1: Recovery Vision & Strategy

    Posted by : Jacqueline Tay / Posted in : RWS Event 8 / RTR Event 3

    Q2: What are your strategy and action plans to each achievable steps which you have determined, that will lead towards your present achievable vision of recovery.

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Workshop 1: Recovery Vision & Strategy

  • Healing Maiden 14 Nov, 2018

      To learn from others. Tap on the wisom of others


  • Deborah Seah 14 Nov, 2018

      - Being focus to identify my priorities in life and aligning my planned activities/schedule to fulfil my goals by being disciplined to comply to my medication usage, maintain a good sleep routine to get adequate rest daily, try to watch my diet & stay active by putting in effort to walk more if no time to exercise and practise self-care to de-stress on a weekly basis.


  • Charlie Brown 14 Nov, 2018

      2. By having a daily maintenance plan and cultivating habits that help me stay well. And dumping people who are toxic from my life.


  • Gayathri 14 Nov, 2018

      Learn to love myself, try to motivate myself everyday by positive self affirmations or meditation, and using the many tools i have to cope with and manage my stress and anxiety levels. Take time to wind down every night before i sleep too.


  • Shannon 14 Nov, 2018

      To continue to pluck into good network like friends and family who are positive to help us and listen to us.


  • Anonymous 14 Nov, 2018

      Medication aside. I would say that my next step would be to build stronger and closer relationships.


  • Jacqueline 14 Nov, 2018

      Anonymous wrote "I require medication. Even on days where there is nothing wrong with my life, and I don't have stressors, or any explicable reason to be sad, I still have suicidal ideations."


  • Jacqueline 14 Nov, 2018

      I need to manage my mood swings as well as overcome my day to day struggles with anxiety


  • Bernard Prasobhan 13 Nov, 2018

      Meet friends, listen to music and play mobile game. Every night few minutes mediation


  • Faith Hsieh 13 Nov, 2018

      To keep myself happy and be kind to others n do the things that can relieve stress


  • Xiao Mei 12 Nov, 2018

      Everyday go nearby nature park to breathe in and walk. Plan what I do Everyday so that I know what to do.


  • Jun Hong 12 Nov, 2018

      -Make sure to always have a support group - Be aware of cognitive distortions - Build up my stress tolerance


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