By Manomanthan S01:E02 - A RATA initiative with HMO
Qualification : HMO Specialists
Saturday October 30 2021 11:48 AM Comments 0
After the overwhelming response to S01 E01 with 250+ registrations, 100 attendees (due to the limit), and the 3-hour webinar, we were pleased to announce the next step in the mental wellness journey! The tagline was: “Take your resilience quiz and explore the options to a healthy mind” This focused program had 60 registrations and 30+ attendees.
The poll results showed us that 99% of the respondents were feeling stressed. Also, about 70% wanted to know about building resilience in their organization.
The Healthy Mind Online's team helped the participants take the Resilience Quiz, immediately receive personal scores, and understand the steps to take charge of their mental wellness. This included the demo of the 4-week program.
In addition, Business Owner Shri Anil Dev shared why his organization has decided to start the MyResilience program for its employees - 1. non-judgmental sharing of issues, 2. not losing half a day to see a specialist, and 3. anonymity while sharing.
Please feel free to skip to the relevant sections - the sequence of speakers with timing was as follows:
Mr. Mihir (start time - 07min:50sec) - Opening
Mr. Ajit (12min:30sec) - Mental Health and Entrepreneur Research Results (cashflow, disagreements, fear of failure)
Ms. Geeta (34min:20sec) - Mental Wellness Enhances Productivity, MyResilience Program, HMO Testimonials
Mr. Anil Dev (51min:20sec) - Why we subscribed to HMO's MyResilience Program?
Ms. Sumita (01hr:08min:25sec) - Relationship between Physical and Mental Health, and how the Resilience Quiz helps understand the resilience status and next steps in 5 mins.
Ms. Geeta (01hr:40min:00sec) - Demo of 4-Week Program
Ms. Archana (01hr:50min:00sec) - Organization and employees both benefit from the program
Dr. Vijayabanu (01hr:55min:00sec) - Marginalised (LGBTQ) employees benefit from the program
Ms. Smita (01hr:58min:00sec) - Youth benefit from the program
Ms. Archana (02hr:00min:00sec) - High-stress professions like police, doctors, etc and their families benefit from the program
Mr. Akash (02hr:05min:40sec) - Vote of thanks (acceptance, anonymity, Resilience Quiz as an exercise)
Discover Yourself via the below online solutions :
Resilience Quiz:
4-Week Program:
Reading Resources:
Please contact the below for more information:
Thank you!
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